Status Documentation

Speak The Language

Extensions are implemented using the EDN format. EDN is similar to JSON, but it is extensible and has additional data types.

EDN syntax

EDN extends JSON by introducing syntax for extra data structures. Those can be leveraged to combine primitives in an elegant way.

The main elements of this syntax are:

  • Maps {}
  • Vectors []
  • Symbols symbol, with namespace: namespace/symbol
  • Keywords :keyword

In practice:

 {:description "Some string"
  :on-send     [event {:keyword "value"}]}


An extension can define a number of events that will be triggered during its lifecycle:

  • on-installation when a user installs an extension
  • on-activation when a user activates an extension
  • on-deinstallation when a user desinstalls an extension
  • on-deactivation when a user deactivates an extension

Activcation occurs right after an extension is installed and when it is (de-)activated in the extensions settings panel.

 {:on-installation   [on-installation]
  :on-activation     [on-activation]
  :on-deinstallation [on-deinstallation]
  :on-deactivation   [on-deactivation]}}

ephemeral? extension are not installed and won’t be persisted after an application restart. The on-activation will be called during their installation.

 {:ephemeral     true
  :on-activation [on-activation]}}

Hook syntax

Each hook type requires specific details to be mapped and declared according to the hook’s specifications.

To learn about the available hooks and their specifications, see extension types.

This map is associated to a unique identifier, which follows the hook’s root identifier.

For example:

 {:description "Some description"

hooks/command is the root identifier for any chat command extension.

.example-command is the unique identifier for this particular command and extension.

The unique ID should be specific to a DApp or company. A user may only have one instance of a unique ID installed.

If the unique ID is not unique, it will not be operable for some users.

View syntax

Views are used to define the UI components of an extension.

The syntax follows the Hiccup format) and is semantically similar to HTML.

It makes it possible to declare UI in EDN as a tree of components.

 [text "Hello"]
 [text {:style {:color "red"}} "World"]]

See the list of available view components.


Hiccup syntax is extended to provide templating features.

let blocks

The let block allows local variables to be used as symbols in a Hiccup tree.

(let [world "World"]
   [text "Hello"]
   [text world]])

Views can access arguments input by the user. These will be injected by the hook using a properties symbol.

(let [world properties]
   [text "Hello"]
   [text world]])

A destructuring syntax makes it possible to select a subset of data from a complex map, e.g. one provided by the properties symbol.

(let [{{name :name} :value} {:value {:name "John"}}]
   [text "Hello"]
   [text name]])

if/when blocks

if blocks allow view trees to be rendered conditionally based on the value of a variable.

(let [some-cond true]
  (if some-cond
    [text "True"]
    [text "False"]))

when blocks make it possible to render multiple view components when a variable is true.

(let [some-cond true]
  (when some-cond
    [text "One"]
    [text "Two"]
    [text "Three"]))

for blocks

for blocks allow multiple view components to be generated based on a vector variable.

 (let [some-vector ["John" "Bob"]]
  (for [name some-vector]
   [text name]
   [text name]
   [text name]))]

Query syntax

Queries allow a view to access data exposed by Status.

Any change to the data accessed by a query will be reflected instantly in the UI. The user-facing view renders dynamically.

A query must be defined in a let block using the following syntax: [name arguments], where name is a symbol pointing to an existing query, and arguments is an optional map of arguments.

(let [name [store/get {:key "name"}]]
  [text name])

Event syntax

Events allow Status to interact with external services.

This is the only way for an extension to interact with the external world and also modify the local state.

Triggering an event that modifies the local state may in turn re-render the UI if matching queries exist.

[button {:on-click [store/put {:key "name" :value {:key "value"}}]}
 "Click me !"]

Local events

Local events define let blocks that can destructure arguments, allowing a developer to access relevant information.

(let [{name :name} properties]
  [http/put {:data "Some content for ${name}"}])

Multiple events can be defined in a let block, potentially guarded by a if condition:

(let [{cond? :cond?} properties]
  [http/put {:data "Some content"}]
  (if cond?
    [http/put {:data "Some extra conditional content"}]))

Queries can also be resolved in let block, giving access to a static view of the local application state.

(let [{name :name} [chat/contact {:id ""}]]
  [http/put {:data "Some content for ${name}"}])
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