Status Documentation

Extension Reference - Views

Views in Extensions

A view is composed of a set of nested components. A component is defined by a name and an optional map of properties.


Symbol Properties
view style
scroll-view style, keyboard-should-persist-taps :keyword, content-container-style :map
keyboard-avoiding-view style
text style
touchable-opacity style, on-press :event
icon style, key :keyword, color :any
image style, uri :string, source :string
input style, on-change :event, placeholder :string, keyboard-type :keyword, change-delay? :number, placeholder-text-color :any, selection-color :any
button style, enabled :boolean, disabled :boolean, on-click :event
link style, uri :string
list style, data :vector, item-view :view, key? :keyword
checkbox style, on-change :event, checked :boolean
activity-indicator style, animating :boolean, color: string, size :keyword, hides-when-stopped :boolean
picker style, on-change :event, selected :string, enabled :boolean, data :vector
nft-token-viewer style, token :string
transaction-status style, outgoing :string, tx-hash :string

Example usage:

[view {:style {:background-color "red"}}
  [checkbox {:checked true}]]
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