Status Documentation

What does it mean to be Optimised for Status?

  • Your DApp looks great on mobile
  • You use our name & logo if featuring mobile wallets. You can use the badges below to do so.
  • Your DApp is available on Mainnet and HTTP Secure


Open with Status

Connect with Status

Once these items are checked off, you can submit your DApp to be included in our registry.

Mobile optimization

First and foremost, your DApp should look good on a mobile device.

  • Is your layout responsive?
  • Have you followed best practices to make it easily readable and navigable on mobile?
  • Are images optimised to load quickly on lower bandwidth?
  • Does your DApp contain interstitials or pop-ups that could block mobile users?

Load up your DApp in the Status browser to test it out. We recommend stepping through the core flows of your user.

If you find yourself pinching the screen to zoom in or scrolling horizontally to view cut-off content, you know what to do. Open that CSS file!

Technical requirements

We’re always happy to check out projects that are still in development on testnet. Ping us in the #dapps chat on Status or in the #dev-status channel on Riot with URLs for us to try out.

But for production purposes, DApps need to be available on Mainnet.

Your DApp also needs to have a valid SSL certificate and be HTTP Secure.

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