Status Documentation

Build Status Desktop for Yourself!

Building a release package

Run the following commands to build a Desktop package for the host environment:

git clone
cd status-react
make release-desktop

Note: for a Windows build cross-compiled from Linux, replace make release-desktop with make release-windows-desktop.

Development environment setup

To install react-native-cli with desktop commands support

Comment out the "react-native-cli-2.0.1" = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage block in and run:

git clone
cd react-native-desktop/react-native-cli
npm update
npm install -g

To setup dev builds of status-react for Desktop

  1. Run the following commands:

     git clone
     cd status-react
     make startdev-desktop # note: wait until sources are compiled
  2. In separate terminal tab: make react-native-desktop (note: it starts react-native packager)

  3. In separate terminal tab: make desktop-server (note: it runs node ./ubuntu-server.js)
  4. In separate terminal tab: make run-desktop


  • in order to run multiple Status Desktop instances, please specify values for the REACT_SERVER_PORT, STATUS_NODE_PORT, STATUS_DATA_DIR environment variables:

    export REACT_SERVER_PORT=5001 # any value different from default 5000 will work; this has to be specified for both the Node.JS server process and the Qt process
    export STATUS_NODE_PORT=12345 # no need to specify this if just running dev instance alongside release build
    export STATUS_DATA_DIR=~/status-files/data1 # this is where Realm data files, Geth node data, and logs will reside; also not strictly needed for dev alongside release

    The Makefile already specifies default values that allow you to run a debug instance without clashing with the release version.
    Please be sure to run the instance with default parameters (without any explicit specification of variables above) first, as otherwise it will kill ubuntu-server processes that belong to other instances.

  • for complete cleanup of generated files and Realm data, issue:

    git clean -fdx
    rm -rf desktop/modules

Clean up data

To completely clean up data from previous development sessions, such as accounts, you need to do the following:

On Linux

# First kill the `ubuntu-server` process because it has a cache of realm db
pkill -f ubuntu-server

# Then remove data and cache folders
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Status \
       ~/.cache/Status \

On a Mac

Go to ~/Library/Application Support/ and delete any Status directories. Delete the app in /Application. Then reinstall.

On Windows

# First kill the `ubuntu-server` process because it has a cache of realm db
tskill ubuntu-server

# Then remove data folder
rd /S /Q %LOCALAPPDATA%\Status

Editor setup

Running make watch-desktop will run a REPL on port 7888 by default. Some additional steps might be needed to connect to it.


In order to get REPL working, put the following config in .dir-locals.el :

((nil . ((cider-cljs-repl-types . ((figwheel-repl "(do (require 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/cljs-repl))"
         (cider-default-cljs-repl . figwheel-repl))))

Then connect to the repl with cider-connect-cljs (default is localhost on port 7888)


For some reason there is no .nrepl-port file in project root, so vim-fireplace will not be able to connect automatically. You can either:

  • run :Connect and answer a couple of interactive prompts
  • create .nrepl-port file manually and add a single line containing 7888 (or whatever port REPL is running on)

After Figwheel has connected to the app, run the following command inside Vim, and you should be all set:

:Piggieback (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/repl-env)

Configure logging output destination

  • By default, application adds debug output into standard process output stream.
  • The app data folder location varies per platform. It’s usually at:
    • Linux: ~/.local/share/Status/;
    • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Status/;
    • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Status\.
  • App data folder location can also be specified via STATUS_DATA_DIR environment variable
  • Passing BUILD_FOR_BUNDLE preprocessor make flag instructs application to redirect output to predefined log file. The log file is named Status.log in the app data folder;
  • Setting env var STATUS_LOG_FILE_ENABLED to 1 enables redirection of logs into log file by predefined path. The log file is named StatusDev.log in the app data folder.
  • Setting env var STATUS_LOG_PATH (along with STATUS_LOG_FILE_ENABLED to 1) instructs app to write the logs into custom file path. Relative file paths can be used.
  • Specific react-native-desktop output can be controlled with standard Qt environment variables, as documented in the react-native-desktop FAQ.
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