Status Documentation

Extension Reference - Events

Events in Extensions

An event is defined by a name and an optional map of arguments.


Symbol Arguments
alert value :string
selection-screen items :vector, on-select :event, render :view, title :string, extractor-key :keyword
log value :string
arithmetic values :vector, operatation {:one-of #{:plus :minus :times :divide}}, on-result :event
json/parse value :string, on-result :event
json/stringify value :string, on-result :event
store/put key :string, value :string
store/append key :string, value :any
store/clear key :string
store/clear-all n/a
store/put key :string, value :any
store/puts value :vector
chat.command/set-parameter value :any
chat.command/set-parameter-with-custom-params value :string, params :map
chat.command/set-custom-parameter key :keyword, value :any
chat.command/send-plaintext-message value :string
chat.command/send-message params :map
schedule/start interval :number, on-created :event, on-result :event
schedule/cancel value :number
http/get url :string, timeout? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
http/post url :string, body :string, timeout? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ipfs/cat hash :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ipfs/add value :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/transaction-receipt value :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/await-transaction-receipt value :string, interval :number, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/sign message? :string, data? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/create-address on-result :event
ethereum/send-transaction to :string, gas? :string, gas-price? :string, value? :string, method? :string, params? :vector, nonce? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/call to :string, method :string, params? :vector, outputs? :vector, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/logs from? :string, to? :string, address? :vector, topics? :vector, block-hash? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/create-filter type {:one-of #{:filter :block :pending-transaction}}, from? :string, to? :string, address? :vector, topics? :vector, block-hash? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum/logs-changes id :string
ethereum/cancel-filter ethereum/cancel-filter
ethereum.ens/resolve name :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc20/total-supply contract :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc20/balance-of contract :string, token-owner :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc20/transfer contract :string, to :string, value :number, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc20/transfer-from contract :string, to :string, from :string, value :number, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc20/approve contract :string, spender :string, value :number, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc20/allowance contract :string, token-owner :string, spender :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc721/owner-of contract :string, token-id :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc721/is-approved-for-all contract :string, owner :string, operator :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc721/get-approved contract :string, token-id :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc721/set-approval-for-all contract :string, operator :string, approved :boolean, on-success :event, on-failure? :event
ethereum.erc721/safe-transfer-from contract :string, :from :string, to :string, token-id :string, data? :string, on-success :event, on-failure? :event

Example usage:

[button {:on-click [store/put]}]
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